What do you know about dreams for a built environment?
Focussing on wellbeing and sustainability is imperative nowadays, especially if we want to implement the way spaces are designed and re-use tenancies otherwise empty.
Giving new souls and purpose but also creating a point of difference for sectors like Workplace and Hospitality in particular always requiring new approaches to adapt to a different life style.
Multi sensorial experience in an enclosed space, touching all senses.
The sound of the rain, the odor of the rain, the drops almost touching the skin and it’s majesty the lighting transforming the drops of water into notes of a piano, playing with sensors without getting wet, visible as if it was a theatrical effect drawn with a pencil on a canvas.
A cloud of sensor would make sure the drops of water will stop just above you, opening up like a courtain, meditative delight for the sould, rinvigorating the enenergy of the body.
This was the experience at the Rain Room.
We are developing strategies for sensorial enhancement of the built environment, for all budgets, to incorporate within the built environment: workplace increasing productivity, retail increasing marketing, a hotel area increasing marketing and guests number, high end residential, educational addressing behavious, health care and aged care facilities improving healing and quality of the stay.
Happy to exchange ideas and brainstorming with likeminded people.